Apple’s iPhone is selling like crazy and for users in the countries like India where it has not yet released have no option but to import and unlock the iPhone to make it work locally. Today my cousin(Ripul Ryu) asked me if he should opt for the version 1.1.3 or should he go with the iPhone version 1.1.4 and how to unlock it. I did a quick search in google and find out that a great and free unlocking software for Apples’ iPhone ZiPhone 2.5 is available for a free download.
ZiPhone 2.5 is a free jailbreaking and unlocking software for the iPhone 1.1.4, you can download it from downloadZiPhone. You will be presented with a graphical interface through which you can unlock your iPhone 1.1.4 OTB( out of the box) for both Mac OS X and Windows. One of the prime reason of concern about jailbraking/unlocking iPhone is that the users who have iPhone 1.1.3 or 1.1.2 after updating via iTunes their iPhone gets locked again but now with the ZiPhone 2.5 all you have to do is upgrade your iPhone to 1.1.4 no matter what previous versions(1.1.2 or 1.1.3) you have. Before doing any experiments with your precious iPhone don’t forget to backup the data on your iPhone.
Here is the useful Youtube video which will guide you through the unlocking process of iPhone 1.1.4 :
ZiPhone blog here .Youtube video for 1.1.3 :
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