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11:38 PM
Revival is a mix of all strategy aspects rolled into one-you get to build towns, research sciences, nurture industrial strength, trade, maintain your empire’s health and wellbeing, train soldiers, build battlements, attack other cities(for no reason), and eventually become the leader of the known universe over a huge game map. This is all in favour of a new futuristic discovery project, in which you have discovered new alien planets with familiar, albeit primitive inhabitants (as in they’re early humans). Your job is to basically bring them up to speed with the customs, technology and excellent TV shows of the modern world. Of course, you’ll also have to cope with your empire’s setbacks-things like earthquakes, viral epidemics etc.
The graphics are quite well suited. As a lot of aspects have to be included on the screen at once, you won’t be seeing much in the way of animation-a lot like Warcraft 2 on the PC, actually. The game map is quite detailed, though. Apart from the initial fog of war, you’ll be seeing arctic tundra, deserts and mountains, all with little details, like animals, to boot. The sound is somewhat limited, but not abysmal- you’re given a single tune which loops, which is nice, along with .WAV sound effects for attacks and the like.
Revival 1
Revival 2
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