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One of the best features of the Explorer is its customizability. The users may choose between one- or two-panel modes, horizontal or vertical layout and setup other display aspects. Note also the possibility of the one-handed control and the support of all common devices and resolutions. Since v4.10 Explorer supports Firefox-like Tabs and touch scrolling.
Classic version is available as a separate zip installer. Note the reduced fuctionality caused by the Classic/PRE limitations. See the readme file in the zip installer for the details.
- Explorer provides a comfortable way for all file operations you may think off - copy, move, delete, rename, beam, etc.
- You may use drag&drop, copy&paste, multi-selection, touch scrolling, tabs, favorites, RAM/card conversions, sorting, searching and filtering, various viewers and editors.
- Explorer 2009 can synchronise folders (even over the network) and perform card check (chkdsk).
- Zipper is transparently integrated into the Explorer. A zip archive works just like a folder. You can manipulate its contents, view compressed images etc.
- Zipper offers also password-based encryption and even secure (AES) encryption.
- Explorer 2009 supports also tar/bzip2 archives. bzip2 plugin is included in the zip installer.
- Explorer works like classic launcher, but can also launch zipped applications and documents - images, eBooks, doc/xls files...
- Secure document storage safely stores your files and provides easy interface for their launching.
- A simple jpg/bmp/gif viewer (supporting most Palm cameras) displays even zipped images and image resources embedded in the Palm OS databases.
- Explorer has a good text editor. Text files can be created, edited, beamed, hotsynced etc.
- Manual backup: Explorer offers a multi-backup solution with fast compression, incremental backup, encryption, sorting and filtering and with open zip format. Unique feature is the backup verification.
- Explorer contains editors of the preferences, file associations or alarms and provides access to other system internals.
- RAM Analyzer: Explorer offers structured folder view of the RAM with the databases sorted into reasonably defined folders. Ideal for PDA cleaning.
- Explorer supports LAN/Bluetooth networks and FTP. In all cases Explorer presents remote resources just like another card. (No need to learn anything!)
- Explorer serves as an ideal front-end for VPN clients.
- FTP starters may use free FTP account at the DriveHQ hosting service.
- Do you want to listen an mp3 located on a Nokia phone? (View an image, copy a file...) Just use Explorer Bluetooth browser.
- Network panel contains low-level tcp commands (ping, tracert) and the time synchronization with World time servers.
- -:-
- Enhanced text editor (unlimited size, word wrapping)
- Extended FTP support
- Folder synchronization
- Card check (chkdsk)
- Support for tar/tar.gz/bzip2 archives
- Check of the zip integrity
- -:-
- NEWS FOR v5.03
- Possibility to switch off storing FTP password
- Small fixes - mp3, pdb files in zip, file attributes, keys setup, scan card etc.
- Zip installer includes special release for the Palm PRE Classic emulator
Minimum Requirements:
- Palm OS 5.0 or higher
Display Dimensions
160 x 160, 160 x 240, 320 x 320, 320 x 480, 480 x 320
Operating System
Palm OS 5, Works on Classic
download it from the following link
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